To take with

Definition of To take with

to please.
- L'Estrange.

See also: Take



To take the veil
To take the wall
To take the wind
To take the wind out of one's sails
To take time by the forelock
To take to
To take to heart
To take to task
To take to the heels
To take turns
To take up
To take up cudgels for
To take up the cross
To take up the gauntlet
To take up the glove
To take up the hatchet
To take up with
To take upon
To take vent
To take wind
-To take with-
To talk big
To talk of
To talk out of both sides of one's mouth
To talk over
To talk shop
To talk to
To tang bees
To tar and feather a person
To tear a cat
To tear down
To tear off
To tear out
To tear up
To tell no store of
To tell of
To tell off
To tell on
To tell tale of
To tend a vessel
To the backbone
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