To step aside

Definition of To step aside

to walk a little distance from the rest; to retire from company.

See also: Step



To stand to
To stand to reason
To stand to sea
To stand together
To stand trial
To stand under
To stand up
To stand up for
To stand upon
To stand upon one's dignity
To stand with
To stare in the face
To start after
To start against
To start for
To start up
To state it
To stave and tail
To stay a mast
To steal a march
-To step aside-
To step forth
To step in
To step off
To stick by
To stick in one's gizzard
To stick out
To stick to
To stick up
To stick up for
To stick upon
To stir up a hornet's nest
To stitch up
To stock an anchor
To stock cards
To stock down
To stock up
To stop a gap
To stop off
To stop over
To stop the mouth
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