To make the heart bleed

Definition of To make the heart bleed

to cause extreme pain, as from sympathy or pity.

See also: Bleed



To make one's manners
To make one's mark
To make one's peace with
To make one's self at home
To make one's self scarce
To make one's self understood
To make one's way
To make out
To make pourparty
To make prize of
To make ready
To make room
To make sail
To make scruple
To make shift
To make ship
To make short boards
To make strange
To make the best of
To make the face to shine upon
-To make the heart bleed-
To make time
To make up one's mind
To make use of
To make water
To make way
To make way with
To man a yard
To man the yards
To march with
To mark a point
To mark out
To mark time
To marry ropes
To mean business
To measure swords with one
To meddle and make
To meet half way
To meet one's maker
To meet with
To milk a telegram
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