To key up

Definition of To key up

(Arch.) To raise (the whole ring of an arch) off its centering, by driving in the keystone forcibly.
(Mus.) To raise the pitch of.
to produce nervous tension in; as, the whole team was keyed up for the championship game.

See also: Key Key Key



To keep one's nose to the grindstone
To keep open house
To keep pace with
To keep quarter
To keep school
To keep shady
To keep stroke
To keep term
To keep the countenance
To keep the field
To keep the foot
To keep the land aboard
To keep the peace
To keep the pot boiling
To keep the wolf from the door
To keep to
To keep touch
To keep under
To keep up
To keep within bounds
-To key up-
To kick oneself
To kick the beam
To kick the bucket
To kill time
To knit up
To knock about
To knock in the head
To knock off
To knock out
To knock under
To knock up
To know how
To know of
To know one's own limitations
To knuckle to
To lap boards
To lap timbers
To lash out
To lattice up
To laugh at
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