To hang to

Definition of To hang to

to cling.

See also: Hang



To grow out of
To grow up
To gulp up
To hand down
To hand over
To handle without gloves
To handle without mittens
To hang around
To hang back
To hang by the eyelids
To hang down
To hang fire
To hang in doubt
To hang in the hedge
To hang on
To hang on the lips
To hang out
To hang out the white flag
To hang over
To hang the flag half-mast high
-To hang to-
To hang together
To hang upon
To happen in
To happen on
To harden the neck
To hark back
To harp on one string
To haul around
To haul home the sheets of a sail
To haul off
To haul over the coals
To haul the tacks aboard
To haul the wind
To have (a man) out
To have a bee in the bonnet
To have a bee in the head
To have a brick in one's hat
To have a care
To have a colt's tooth
To have a finger in
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