To bid welcome

Definition of To bid welcome

to receive with professions of kindness.

See also: Welcome



To beat the hoof
To beat the rap
To beat the record
To beat the wing
To beat time
To beat to a mummy
To beat up
To beat up and down
To beat up for recruits
To become of
To beg (one) for a fool
To beg the question
To believe in
To believe on
To bell the cat
To bend the brow
To bid beads
To bid defiance
To bid defiance to
To bid fair
-To bid welcome-
To bide tryst
To bill and coo
To bind over
To bind to
To bind up in
To bite in
To bite the dust
To bite the ground
To bite the thumb at
To bite the tongue
To blame
To blaze away
To blear the eye of
To bless from
To block out
To blow great guns
To blow hot and cold
To blow off
To blow one's own trumpet
to blow one's stacks
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