In the wrong box

Definition of In the wrong box

out of one's place; out of one's element; awkwardly situated.
- Ridley (1554

See also: Box



In the clouds
In the course of
In the end
In the extreme
In the eye of the wind
In the family way
In the gross
In the long run
In the lump
In the name of
in the offing
In the person of
in the public domain
In the rough
In the same boat
In the suds
In the teeth
In the way
In the way with
In the wind's eye
-In the wrong box-
In this connection
In time
In touch
In transitu
In truth
In turn
In twain
In two
In unison
In use
In vacuo
In vain
in velvet
In virtue of
In waiting
In word
In your despite
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